VBS – Camp Firelight

July 8 - 11 2024  |  Crestwood United Methodist Church

7214 Kavanaugh Road, Crestwood, KY, USA





Vacation Bible School

Monday – Thursday, July 8-11

9:00am – 12:00noon 

4 year olds through 5th grade


Camp Firelight VBS—where we will be on a Summer Camp Adventure with God!

This includes exciting new music, amazing science, creative crafts, fun recreation, and memorable Bible stories that will show children they can trust God all the time! The adventure runs from Monday, July 8 through Thursday July 11, 9am – 12noon.  Register online by clicking on the link below.





Volunteer with Camp Firelight VBS


Team Members Needed for Camp Firelight Vacation Bible School

Your mission is to SERVE, LEAD, and have FUN at VBS

July 8 – 11,2024 from 9:00am – 12:00noon

Currently seeking Crew Guides, Assistant Crew Guides, snack assistants, science assistants, Bible story assistants, music assistants, game assistants, and craft assistants.

Rising 6th graders through adults are invited to volunteer!


Click on the link to volunteer: vbspro.events/p/campfirelightvolunteers


Vacation Bible School Worship Leadership Camp

Monday – Wednesday, July 1 – 3


for Rising 5th graders and above.


Campers at the Worship Leadership Camp  learn all the VBS songs and all the skits for opening and closing worship at Vacation Bible School. And, they have a lot of fun!


The next week at Vacation Bible School, Monday through Thursday, July 8-11, they lead the Opening and Closing Worship each day.


To register email Jessica Bradley at kids@crestwoodmethodist.com