Youth Pancake Breakfast for Missions
Enjoy some delicious breakfast and help our youth group’s mission work.

Advent Wreath & Calendar Workshop
Wednesday, November 29, 6:00-7:00pm
RSVP to Pastor Kim by November 12
Cost is $30.00 for both, or $20 for one.

Preschool Cookie Walk
Join us Saturday December 2ndfor our annual preschool cookie walk. Buy a full box or two of delicious Christmas cookies and check out the silent auctions.

Christmas Cantata Concert

Christmas Food Baskets
The annual food drive for families in Oldham County begins after Thanksgiving and goes until the delivery day of December 18.

Happy Birthday Jesus Party
Join us Sunday December 17th at 10:10AM, in between services, for our annual Happy Birthday Jesus party. All children are invited to join us for cake and treats.

The Longest Night Service (Blue Christmas)
Why don’t I feel it? In the midst of the wonder and expectation of Advent, many of us might feel out of step with the joy and excitement of Christmas. Some of us have lost loved ones or face the “happy” holidays feeling blue with grief or depression. This special worship service is on the “longest night” to acknowledge our grief and longing for hope.
Join us 6:30PM on December 20 in the historic chapel.

Christmas Eve Services
Join us on Christmas Eve for our 6:00PM or 11:00PM candlelight services.